We love our engagement portraits! It gives us a chance to get to know you better before your wedding, but more importantly it gives you a memory of what life was like before you got married--even if it doesn't change much right away. Your portraits will become a record of where you hung out, what kind of clothes you wore, which neighborhood you lived in . . . Imagine if you had photos like this of your grandparents. What a unique glimpse you would have into their lives!
From the Archives : Bigelow Chapel and Mill City Museum

After every year we go through all the photos from the wedding season. It's so much fun. We always find new gems!
More of Alison and Howie's wedding at the Bigelow Chapel and reception at Mill City.
Uncropped Image vs. Cropped Image
It's all about perspective
I couldn't stop staring at these two images while editing Mike and Jill's wedding last year. The same doorway photographed from two perspectives reminds me of the sculptor Ron Mueck who plays with scale to create startling visual images.