:: Lauren & Nick ::

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St. Paul's Catholic Church in Sauk Center has a colorful and elaborately-carved German alter piece. What a dramatic backdrop for the moment Lauren and Nick first saw each other! They decided to pick up on this theme and incorporate some of German traditions into their wedding day. During the reception, they sawed a log in half to symbolize that they can get through tough problems by working together. This wasn't an easy task because they were laughing so hard that they were tearing up! The tears continued during the speeches as everyone had heartfelt stories to tell!

:: The Engagement Story :: Maybe I'll hire a palm-reader for the wedding

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I was hanging out with my book club this weekend at Norm's Fish Camp outside of Ely. It was a wonderful break from work/wedding planning/packing and a chance to sit still and think about the marriage that is zooming toward us. One of the women brought tarot cards so I had a reading. I had several cards that mentioned acknowledging and controlling my ego during my upcoming life change. Whether or not you believe in tarot, that advice is incredibly apt for me. I am a pretty stubborn girl who likes to be right. It's been interesting; Peter and I purchased a house a few weeks ago, and trying to navigate those decisions has been really challenging. I think I took it for granted that I would be in charge of decorating - wrong. I have to continually remind myself to make decisions with Peter, not without him. It is an unconscious habit that I need to practice breaking. Practicing now on things like paint color will, I hope, make joint-decisions on important things like jobs and finances easier. I love tarot.

Brooke, a client of Lace/Hanky, shares her thoughts about what it is like to be engaged– the good and the bad.
Read more entries from The Engagement Story here.

:: Carmen's Comp Card ::

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Here are a few of my favorite pics from Carmen's photo shoot. She is an aspiring model and will be using some of these pics for her comp card. With those intense green eyes, I don't think she will have many problems finding work. Thanks for being such a joy to work with, Carmen!