:: Missy & Mesut ::

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I felt fortunate that I was able to experience Missy and Mesut's wedding day. Coming from Turkey, Mesut and his family joined Missy's North Dakotan gang to celebrate their union. That day, two unlikely groups of people became one huge family and there was an overwhelming feeling of joy. Families were brought together by the unbreakable love Missy and Mesut share for each other.

I also became very fond of Missy's father. He is such a proud papa who loves his little girl. Normally it is the photographer who is with the couple all day, but Missy's Dad never left her side. I don't think I ever saw him with out his camera!!!


:: The Engagement Story :: The Venue ::

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Peter and I settled on University Baptist Church for the ceremony, a very liberal and welcoming church in dinkytown (or "tinytown" as my Grandma calls it). Check out this thorough Statement on Marriage.

The reception will be around the corner at the Varsity Theater. It's where Peter and I met (it's a cutesy story involving a jug band and a fez). The Varsity is an incredible venue. As discussed earlier, Peter and I had originally thought to get married outside in Nature, but Nature is a logistic nightmare. I don't want to be in charge of coordinating the arrival and set up of everything including tables, chairs, linens, glasses, salt and pepper shakers, citronella candles, dance floor, extra loos, mics and speakers, cake, flowers and an alternative plan for inclement weather. The Varsity does it all with style, and puts your name on the marquee to boot.

If you're looking for nature, however, I found some fantastic places - Windbeam Farm outside of Red Wing and a place called "The Enchanted Barn". Don't let the name bother you, it's stunning. Windbeam Farm and The Enchanted Barn.


Brooke, a client of Lace/Hanky, shares her thoughts about what it is like to be engaged– the good and the bad.
Read more entries from The Engagement Story here.

Tip :: For The Guys ::

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Lacey and I picked up this tip from a wedding coordinator, Sandy Malone of Weddings in Vieques, in Puerto Rico. On a bright and muggy day, the groom and groomsmen will no doubt get a little steamy under their dark jackets– even in Minnesota. They will likely keep the jackets on until the ceremony ends, but as soon as there is a chance– the jacket comes off. Then what? Sweaty armpits? Gross. Sandy recommends that the guys bring an extra shirt to change into right before the reception. Then the guys will be in crisp and clean shirts without sweat stains for the second half of the day. Sounds like a recipe for success!
